Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Skill Builder 4

Skill Builder 4

Q Question for skill builder 4: Question #1: Try to answer this question before you dive deeply into the assigned materials this week (but if not, no worries). Define creativity in your own words. What is creativity? How does it work? Are some people more creative than others, and if so, why? Can creativity be taught? How does creativity impact a person’s career? Question #2: This week I threw a lot of material at you. I wish I had an entire semester to spend with you learning and discussing nothing but creativity, but we only have one week. What I need you to do in this question is to synthesize pretty much everything you learned this week about creativity. Connect lots of dots into something meaningful. What is creativity and how does it apply to business, and more importantly, to entrepreneurship (specifically to new venture creation and new venture management)? Question #3: Go to the Stanford Design School web page “Future of Stuff Challenge” (FSC) and review the process. Describe how this approach (developed entirely independently of Dr. Meeks’ experience, research, and formal education) is related to what we are covering in this course. Do you agree or disagree with the FSC approach (or any part of it); why or why not. How might you apply this FSC approach? I really want to know what you think about FSC – please share. Here is the link to the “Future of Stuff Challenge”: Question #4: Stanford’s Design School is believed by most to be the cutting edge in creativity. Take 20 minutes and review their website (link listed on Moodle under “Assigned Readings” this week). Try to absorb and understand their approach to creativity. Now write a summary of the Stanford Design School approach on creativity. Do you like or dislike it? Do you agree with their thinking? How might you apply this mindset in your current workplace, or to a new venture you are thinking of starting? Question #5: After reviewing Stanford’s “Bootcamp Bootleg” (the PDF available on the Stanford site, or downloadable on Moodle – listed under “Assigned Readings”). Write a VERY SHORT summary of the Bootcamp Bootleg, then critique it. Do you like or dislike it? Do you agree with their thinking? How might you apply this tool in your current workplace, or to a new venture you are thinking of starting? Question #6: Explain how you can apply the concepts studied this week (creativity) to your current job AND to your career. Question #7: Assess the contribution of each team member this past week (since your last Skill Builder). This is the same question you completed last Skill Builder – just for the following week. Now you will assess their contribution for ONLY this past week (since you last assessed them). Same questions from last week apply à How exactly have they each contributed, and how valuable have their contributions been? What needs to be done to make your team work more effectively and perform better? Compared to other team members, what is the value of your contribution this past week?

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To me, creativity is something that I closely associate with, because I am passionate about creating and imagining and attach a good amount of importance to it, as I am concerned with the intent of creating something beautiful with inputs of my imagination, and achieving a connection with my work. Creativity for me is to express my thoughts and ideas onto paper in the simplest yet captivating manner and try to create something beautiful that resonates with others. I believe some people are more creative than others, because not all have the ability to imagine and connect, and to some this comes naturally, as they are more thoughtful and passionate about what they create. I believe one can be inspired to be creative, but it cannot be explicitly taught, and rather requites motivation. This can lead one to achieve greater satisfaction in work as when one is creatively bent and passionate, one is more efficient and dedicated.